Employment History
Being an old bat, I have had a lot of jobs in my life. I started at Jessie's Cafe and then went to Brigham Apparel and Box Elder Enterprises. Both sewing places, the former made coats, jackets, and other outdoor wear, and the latter made leather vests, skirts, etc. Hey! This was 1970! Fringe was in and so was suede. None of those jobs lasted particularly long, since I got married and wives didn't work in those days.
Between 1970 and 1983 I worked occasionally and mostly not. I went to work for Thiokol in 1983. I worked in mixers when the space shuttle Challenger blew up, killing all the astronauts on board, then I went to tactical final assembly and built missile motors. After that, I built military flares. It was very interesting work, and some time I could tell you some pretty good stories about working with explosives, as well as vile jokes about dead astronauts.
Life at Thiokol has not been secure since 1960, and it still isn't today. I got tired of the uncertainty and volunteered for the layoff in 1992 and went back to school to learn to be a computer programmer. Nearly did it too, but I ran out of time and money and had to find work. My days were spent half at Alpine Gardens nursery in Perry, and the other half in Fleet Maintenance for Brigham City Corp. Full-time work for the city came to me in February of 1995, and I've been there ever since.
I've seen lots of changes since I was hired by the city in 1993. I still work for the Shop, but now I also work for the assistant public works director, water supervisor, street supervisor, parks supervisor, and the waste treatment manager. These include garbage, storm drain, compost, and recycling mixed in the pot.
It's a good job. It's secure, and I'm able to become acquainted with everyone who works for the city, just about. They all drive vehicles and they all need to be fixed, so I see everyone at one time or another. I have contact with all the employees in all the other divisions too. It's good work, and I don't think I'd trade it. They could always throw me out, but I won't go willingly, yet.
I plugged along, doing my secretarial duty for many years. Then, one day, I got a camera. Nothing has been the same since. I am the unofficial project photo documenterian. I have the best job in the whole city. Who else has the opportunity to get pictures like these?
This is the restricted side of the Mantua Reservoir. We have a project going, so I can take pictures.
Flood control. Great, isn't it? This is in Mantua again, along the cement ditch. They clean the snow out so the ditch is ready for the spring runoff. I had no idea how gloriously beautiful Mantua is on a sunny day in winter. I do now.
The people again. These are the only people I know, since I don't get out much. This is my friend, Verg. The dirty rat retired and is living his dream in Malad, Idaho. His sweet little wife is so happy she can't stand it. I miss them.
Who has the opportunity to go to the top of the old courthouse to take pictures? Moi! It was during the restoration and there was a scaffolding built all around the cupola. I made the circuit, taking pictures as I went. Nobody else, just me. Tell me I'm not lucky to have this job!
This was much more recent and went down instead of up. That little hole isn't a lot larger than my substantial circumference, but down I went.
This is what I found when I got to the bottom. I can't tell you where it is, because then I would have to kill you. Hint: it was wet. It was amazing, it was eerie, and it echoed something fierce. Who else has this kind of opportunity? I mean, really!
The city looks pretty small from this angle. Rumor has it that this spot - the bottom of this picture - is one of the places being considered for the new Brigham temple. Seems like a not so good place to me, but what do I know?
Been there - done that! This was the second subterranien venture in one day. Remember? Old fat broad! The guys were very kind and patient with me, and sort of hovered around like they would catch me if I fell. As if! I'd squash them like bugs, singly or all at once.
Oh, look. Scenery again. It was a long pickin' way down for a person who is not fond of high edges, but I survived. Not only survived, but thrived a little.
This is my only question remaining of the last photo op day. What is this? It's built of rocks and about 3 1/2 to 4 feet square and looks like it has been there for a long time. I bet it's the remains of the last old, fat secretary who tried to take pictures there.
Wow!!! I had no idea you got to be so adventurous and call it all in a day's work!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the last picutre-what is it?